Membership Payment and New Member application
Payment of Annual Fees:
Membership is payable in January each year and is valid from the 1st January to the 31st December of the year paid.
Membership renewal can be paid either by dropping into the club and paying by cash at the downstairs lounge bar. A member of staff will take your payment.
Alternatively you can pay your membership directly online to the clubs account using the details below.
Account name: Barassie Railway and Transport Workers Club
Account No: 15404721
Sort code: 09 01 29
Reference: Membership
(If your payment is not being made from your own account please drop us an email on to ensure the payment is allocated correctly)
In both payment cases an electronic receipt will be generated which can be saved to a smart phone as your membership card. Alternatively a membership card can be issued from the downstairs bar area.
Join the Club
Apply be email. We will reply to your email once we receive your appliction